How To Create 3 Patti Blue Account | Deposit& Withdraw funds

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3 Patti Blue is one the leading platform in Pakistan and Asian countries nowadays where...

3 Patti Blue is one the leading platform in Pakistan and Asian countries nowadays where users can earn money by deploying different tips and tricks. To earn money from this platform, you can deposit money into the game via different payment methods or you can also earn by inviting players on social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.

The numbers of online games which offer such services are extensive in the market, but the trusted and real money-making apps are very low. That’s why I am going to share 3 Patti Blue apps with you can its entire process. So, without hassle, you can enjoy the best gaming experience while making money in the comfort of your bed.    

How to create 3 Patti Blue accounts?

To create the account on your device, you must install the app on your device. If you did not download and installed the app yet, then download the APK and install it on your phone. 

Teen Patti Blue


After the installation process end, locate it and open the app. The app will load in a few seconds to load initial updates and after that, it will print 2 options on the screen.

  1. Logon
  2. Play as Guest

Tap on the “Play as Guest” button to continue in the app. 

If the system shows an error like “Number of IPS exceed” then don’t hesitate and follow 1 more step. Open any VPN and connect to any country like the US, or UK. Once VPN configure then open the app again and this time app will lunch successfully. Once the app run, you can close the VPN and open the app without using any VPN. I hope you understand. 

Create Account:

On-screen left corner, tap on the profile which leads to another small menu. 

  • Name: You can give any name to the account as per your need. This name shows all over the app. So, give it a unique name that suits your personality.
  • Capital: This thing will showcase your account balance.
  • Bonus: This is the kind of bonus that you can win when you deposit your first amount. 
  • Email: You must need to add your email, if you want to this account on any other mobile or if you do not want to lose your gaming progress.

Once Gmail is bound, you will get a verification code in your Gmail Inbox. Copy the code and paste the app and click on Send button. 

How to Deposit?

To deposit funds you can choose several methods like EasyPaisa, JazzCash, Bpay, Lucky Pay, and much more. 

  1. Choose one of them and then select the amount you want to deposit and then click Add Funds.
  2. When you click Google page opens and you need to enter your wallet number where funds are available. You will receive OTP in the mobile number, then provide OTP and end the transaction with the last confirmation using your MPin.

How to Withdraw Funds:

Bear in mind, withdrawal methods can be changed once you add them to the app. So, don’t enter any wrong number or wallet name.  

  1. Click on Withdraw and provide your mobile number.
  2. In the next menu, Jazzcash and Easy Pasia options pop up. 
  3. Enter the name and number which you are using in Easy Paisa and Jazzcash. 

After that, you can withdraw available funds on your Jazzcash and Easy Paisa in one click anytime. At one time, you can process 3 transactions.


We are trying our best to make you familiar with the app and its policies. Some of the fundamental things we have discussed. Overall app is easy to use and the interface is simple to understand. So, if you still face any issues about 3 Patti Blue share your toughs via the comment below or contact us directly.